February 5, 2025
Version 2.50
- ChangedUpdated dashboard.
- FixedMinor fixes.
January 14, 2025
Version 2.49
- AddedAdded Style Book feature inside the Customizer.
- FixedMinor fixes.
December 18, 2024
Version 2.48
- FixedTransparent header overlaps top bar in some scenarios.
- FixedFixed dashboard layout issue with sidebar column.
- FixedFixed background color overriding in sticky mode for the main header.
- FixedFix wrong transition on main header background.
- AddedHeader search: add option for custom background color.
- AddedAdd Discord social account support.
- AddedAdd option to control header icons size.
November 26, 2024
Version 2.47
- FixedIssue with missing woocommerce options causing error.
- FixedInconsistent style between blog and shop archive pagination.
- FixedFix SELECT2 fields vertical alignment in Woo account page.
- ChangedProperly expand quick links item click area.
- FixedFix wrong sanitization issue for main header global color option.
- FixedFix live preview Customizer color button issue with search block.
- FixedFix font size option for the site copyright.
- FixedCustomize link for Header Options can't open the panel target.
- ChangedAdded word break to submenu text in case of longer text.
- FixedFixed wrong effect when sticky and transparent are enabled for header layout 3.
November 18, 2024
Version 2.46
- AddedAdded BF banner.
October 15, 2024
Version 2.45
- AddedAdd new interior design starter site.
- ChangedReworked header layouts to allow overriding from child themes or snippets plugins.
September 18, 2024
Version 2.44
- ChangedVarious improvements to the starter sites, including recommending aThemes Addons for Elementor.
- ChangedSmall fixes related to the WP editor.
- ChangedVarious improvements in the Customizer.
- ChangedDashboard changes.
September 2, 2024
Version 2.43
- FixedFixed issue with aria state preventing menu links with children from opening.
August 27, 2024
Version 2.42
- ChangedVarious accessibility improvements across some of the theme's elements.
- AddedAdded support for Twitter profiles through x.com links.
- ChangedDashboard tweaks.
- ChangedBetter handling of the submenu vertical padding.
July 24, 2024
Version 2.41
- ChangedTheme Dashboard tweaks.
- ChangedRemoved TGMPA library.
- FixedFixed responsive issue with blog list layout.
- ChangedOverride automatic text decoration for links added in WP 6.6.
- FixedFixed main header padding option missing output.
July 2, 2024
Version 2.40
- FixedFixed issue with archives title appearing when the homepage is set to show the latest posts.
June 24, 2024
Version 2.39
- AddedAdded Block Templates module.
- ChangedVarious template parts are now added through hooks.
- FixedFixed issue with the template builder module.
- FixedSmall fixes.
June 4, 2024
Version 2.38
- AddedSupport for block appearance tools.
- ChangedReworked Customizer sortable child controls handling to increase stability.
- ChangedTheme dashboard is now a top-level menu item inside the admin area.
- FixedFixed an issue between the posts carousel widget and Elementor containers.
May 6, 2024
Version 2.37
- AddedNew options to control font sizes in the footer copyright area.
- FixedFixed footer widget links hover option not working.
- FixedFixed wrong default for legacy widget title color.
- FixedFix footer links color getting overridden by widget text color option.
- FixedFixed issues with importing the gardening demo.
- ChangedImproved handling of hero slider transition when a single slide is used.
April 4, 2024
Version 2.36
- AddedNew option to show/hide featured images on pages.
- ChangedImproved WPML compatibility through the wpml-config.xml file.
- ChangedImproved Customizer Blog archives section interface.
- ChangedBluesky now supports bsky.app
- ChangedNew block styles available for galleries and images.
March 12, 2024
Version 2.35
- AddedNew option for the offcanvas header to display site branding, custom title or menu.
- AddedAdded Bluesky social icon.
- AddedAdded option for submenu items font size in the mobile menu.
- AddedAdded option for submenu items color in the mobile menu.
- AddedAdded option for top level menu items font size in mobile menu.
- ChangedAdded separator support for customizer sortable control.
- ChangedConditional display of link separator styling options in offcanvas.
- FixedFix offcanvas width option not working in live preview.
- FixedFixed mobile menu breakpoint issue with the legacy header.
- FixedFixed icon & text color defaults for contact info and other elements in offcanvas.
- FixedFixed mobile menu icons not aligning.
- FixedFixed issue with white space on blog archives when the sidebar is disabled on singles.
- FixedWrong card button colors (Preview/Insert) in Sydney Studio.
February 1, 2024
Version 2.34
- AddedAdded Mastodon social icon;
- AddedAdded Threads social icon;
- ChangedRestyle search GB block when button uses icon;
- FixedFixed sortable meta control toggle issue with wrong subcontrol display;
- FixedFixed meta elements reorder;
- FixedFixed mobile menu breakpoint feature doesn’t work when reducing the value.
January 9, 2024
Version 2.33
- FixedFixed wrong single product gallery layout when layout 4 is selected;
- FixedFix keyboard flash when closing the header search form;
- ChangedCompatibility with PHP 8.2 and above;
- AddedAdded the RSS icon to the available icons and made available in the social profile options;
- FixedFixed preview breaking after second layout change in main header layout option;
- FixedFixed some styling issues with Woo blocks;
December 11, 2023
Version 2.32
- FixedFixed transparent header issue with header layouts 3 and 4;
- ChangedChanged list item inner blocks spacing in editor;
- FixedFixed overflow issue with advanced carousel widget;
- FixedFixed content link color option affecting button block color;
- FixedFixed button block padding not being applied inside the editor;
- FixedFixed wrong font size; .
November 28, 2023
Version 2.31
- FixedFixed issue with the list blog layout on mobiles;
- FixedFixed legacy header button issue in Woo pages;
- ChangedUpdated Twitter icon in legacy Social Profile widget;
- AddedAdded import step for some demos in the starter sites to allow customization;
October 17, 2023
Version 2.30
- AddedNew option to disable emojis loaded by WP;
- AddedNew option to disable jQuery Migrate if not required;
- AddedNew option to defer block styles if the block editor isn't used on the current page;
- ChangedDisable legacy Fontello file when not needed.
- AddedNew Performance class to hold current and future performance enhancements;
- ChangedReworked Customizer dividers to decrease number of controls and increase performance.
October 2, 2023
Version 2.29
- FixedFixed issue with mobile menu not displaying dropdown icons;
- FixedFixed font collection not loading in the Customizer preview on some hosts;
- FixedFixed issue with aria label being applied on wrong element;
- ChangedChanged Twitter icon to X;
- ChangedOverride Elementor color globals in Customizer live preview.
September 6, 2023
Version 2.28
- ChangedUpdated sortable Customizer control to allow child controls;
- ChangedControls related to sortable items now show on click;
- FixedRegister widget category for the theme in Elementor, even if Sydney Toolbox is not active;
- ChangedMake Fullwidth page template compatible with full width Gutenberg option;
- ChangedUpdate sanitize callback for some colors controls.
August 29, 2023
Version 2.27
- FixedFixed color migration issue.
August 21, 2023
Version 2.26
- AddedNew Global Colors system;
- AddedNew option next to each Customizer color option that allows connecting to a global color;
- AddedNew CSS variables are available: --sydney-global-color-1, --sydney-global-color-2, etc. Nine in total;
- AddedElementor integration for the Global Colors;
- AddedAdded option to display logo and site title/description at the same time;
- ChangedChanged the color picker script in the Customizer;
- ChangedChanged a few default colors that were outside of the palette.
- ChangedAdd notification when there are no templates found in the Template Builder existing parts list;
- ChangedRemove unused author related CSS;
- ChangedUpdated changelog endpoints;
- ChangedUpdated changelog endpoints;
- FixedFixed content link colors affecting Elementor butons;
- FixedFixed preloader issue with Elementor Pro templates;
July 3, 2023
Version 2.25
- AddedNew option for regular text font size in the footer;
- FixedFixed issue with main header elements in live preview;
- FixedFixed issue with blog options when Extended Blog module options are missing;
- FixedFixed WPForms issue in the starter sites plugin.
- ChangedProper module activation in starter sites plugin.
June 20, 2023
Version 2.24
- AddedSubmenu items color hover option;
- FixedMissing clearing for SO blog widget;
- FixedCopyright bar container not changing in live preview;
- FixedSingle post meta not changing in live preview;
- FixedPost title inherits body line-height in the editor;
- FixedIncompatibility with QSM plugin;
- FixedSite background color not visible in the editor;
June 6, 2023
Version 2.23
- ChangedBetter handling of the changelog requests.
June 5, 2023
Version 2.22
- ChangedNew Dashboard Design;
- AddedMenu area for mobile only;
- AddedSocial media support in the header;
- AddedIcon support for Google Maps and other maps;
- AddedRemove imported starter site;
- AddedImport starter site without images;
- ChangedUpdated Google Fonts list.
April 18, 2023
Version 2.21
- ChangedSmall changes to the dashboard.
- ChangedChanged upsell links to include feature lists.
January 15, 2025
Version 4.0.27
- AddedAdded Style Book feature inside the Customizer.
- AddedNew hair salon starter site.
- FixedMinor fixes.
December 19, 2024
Version 4.0.26
- ChangedImproved compatibility with latest Elementor version
December 17, 2024
Version 4.0.25
- FixedIssue with missing Elementor class.
- FixedTransparent header overlaps top bar in some scenarios.
- FixedFixed dashboard layout issue with sidebar column.
- FixedFixed background color overriding in sticky mode for the main header.
- FixedFix wrong transition on main header background.
- AddedHeader search: add option for custom background color.
- AddedAdd Discord social account support.
- AddedAdd option to control header icons size.
- ChangedBetter handling of custom fonts.
November 26, 2024
Version 4.0.24
- FixedIssue with missing woocommerce options causing error.
- FixedInconsistent style between blog and shop archive pagination.
- FixedFix SELECT2 fields vertical alignment in Woo account page.
- ChangedProperly expand quick links item click area.
- FixedFix wrong sanitization issue for main header global color option.
- FixedFix live preview Customizer color button issue with search block.
- FixedFix font size option for the site copyright.
- FixedCustomize link for Header Options can't open the panel target.
- ChangedAdded word break to submenu text in case of longer text.
- FixedFixed wrong effect when sticky and transparent are enabled for header layout 3.
October 15, 2024
Version 4.0.23
- AddedAdd new interior design starter site.
- ChangedReworked header layouts to allow overriding from child themes or snippets plugins.
September 18, 2024
Version 4.0.22
- AddedAdd new interior design starter site.
- ChangedVarious improvements to the starter sites, including recommending aThemes Addons for Elementor.
- ChangedSmall fixes related to the WP editor.
- ChangedVarious improvements in the Customizer.
- ChangedDashboard changes.
September 2, 2024
Version 4.0.21
- FixedFixed issue with aria state preventing menu links with children from opening.
August 27, 2024
Version 4.0.20
- ChangedVarious accessibility improvements across some of the theme's elements.
- AddedAdded support for Twitter profiles through x.com links.
- ChangedDashboard tweaks.
- ChangedBetter handling of the submenu vertical padding.
- ChangedImproved blog widget.
- ChangedAdjusted modal popup close button.
July 24, 2024
Version 4.0.19
- AddedNew Finance starter site.
- FixedFix issue with modified search query affecting backend search for custom post types.
- ChangedTheme Dashboard tweaks.
- ChangedRemoved TGMPA library.
- FixedFixed responsive issue with blog list layout.
- ChangedOverride automatic text decoration for links added in WP 6.6.
- FixedFixed main header padding option missing output.
June 24, 2024
Version 4.0.18
- AddedAdded Block Templates module.
- ChangedVarious template parts are now added through hooks.
- FixedFixed issue with the template builder module.
- FixedSmall fixes.
June 4, 2024
Version 4.0.17
- AddedSupport for block appearance tools.
- AddedLots of new options for the header search feature, including live search, more layouts, styling options.
- ChangedReworked Customizer sortable child controls handling to increase stability.
- ChangedTheme dashboard is now a top-level menu item inside the admin area.
- ChangedReduced main javascript file by separating woo functions in a different file.
- FixedFixed an issue between the posts carousel widget and Elementor containers.
- FixedFixed an issue with top bar components activation.
- FixedFixed notices with missing author and URL when white label is enabled.
May 6, 2024
Version 4.0.16
- AddedNew options to control font sizes in the footer copyright area.
- FixedFixed footer widget links hover option not working.
- FixedFixed wrong default for legacy widget title color.
- FixedFix footer links color getting overridden by widget text color option.
- FixedFixed issues with importing the gardening demo.
- ChangedImproved handling of hero slider transition when a single slide is used.
April 4, 2024
Version 4.0.15
- AddedNew option to show/hide featured images on pages.
- ChangedImproved WPML compatibility through the wpml-config.xml file.
- ChangedImproved Customizer Blog archives section interface.
- ChangedBluesky now supports bsky.app
- ChangedNew block styles available for galleries and images.
March 12, 2024
Version 4.0.14
- AddedNew option for multiple opening effects for the mobile menu.
- AddedAdded Elementor template support for the mobile offcanvas area.
- AddedAdded link animation effects option after the offcanvas panel is opened.
- AddedNew option for the offcanvas header to display site branding, custom title or menu.
- AddedAdded Bluesky social icon.
- AddedNew slide direction for the offcanvas menu.
- AddedVertical alignment options for the offcanvas links group.
- AddedAdded background image option for the offcanvas menu.
- AddedAdded color options for the offcanvas close button.
- AddedAdded option for submenu items font size in the mobile menu.
- AddedAdded option for submenu items color in the mobile menu.
- AddedAdded option for top level menu items font size in mobile menu.
- ChangedAdded separator support for customizer sortable control.
- ChangedConditional display of link separator styling options in offcanvas.
- ChangedAdded Mastodon and Threads sharing support for single posts.
- FixedFix offcanvas width option not working in live preview.
- FixedFixed mobile menu breakpoint issue with the legacy header.
- FixedFixed icon & text color defaults for contact info and other elements in offcanvas.
- FixedFixed mobile menu icons not aligning.
- FixedFixed issue with white space on blog archives when the sidebar is disabled on singles.
- FixedWrong card button colors (Preview/Insert) in Sydney Studio.
February 14, 2024
Version 4.0.13
- FixedQuick fix to the legacy header in regards to the mobile menu breakpoint not being defined.
February 1, 2024
Version 4.0.12
- AddedAdded Mastodon social icon;
- AddedAdded Threads social icon;
- AddedAdded option to exclude current post in Posts list widget;
- ChangedArchive hero image now works for tags as well;
- FixedFixed play button wrong position in advanced carousel widget;
- FixedFixed display issue when the post title is too short on blog layout 7;
- ChangedRestyle search GB block when button uses icon;
- FixedFixed sortable meta control toggle issue with wrong subcontrol display;
- AddedNew sortable option for extra meta elements below the title on blog layout 7;
- ChangedDisable blog loop meta position option when layout is set to Covers;
- FixedFixed meta elements reorder;
- AddedNew wedding planner starter;
- FixedFixed custom link not working in Advanced Carousel widget;
- FixedFixed mobile menu breakpoint feature doesn’t work when reducing the value.
January 9, 2024
Version 4.0.11
- FixedFixed wrong single product gallery layout when layout 4 is selected;
- FixedFix keyboard flash when closing the header search form;
- ChangedCompatibility with PHP 8.2 and above;
- AddedAdded Polylang support for related posts title;
- AddedAdded the RSS icon to the available icons and made available in the social profile options;
- FixedFixed preview breaking after second layout change in main header layout option;
- FixedFixed some styling issues with Woo blocks;
- AddedPosts list widget now supports the default excerpt;
- AddedAdded option to disable custom styling for the add to cart button.
December 11, 2023
Version 4.0.10
- AddedNew Hotel starter site;
- FixedFixed transparent header issue with header layouts 3 and 4;
- FixedFixed overflow issue with advanced carousel widget;
- ChangedChanged list item inner blocks spacing in editor;
- FixedFixed overflow issue with advanced carousel widget;
- FixedFixed content link color option affecting button block color;
- FixedFixed button block padding not being applied inside the editor;
- FixedFixed wrong font size; .
November 28, 2023
Version 4.0.9
- AddedNew Resume starter site;
- AddedNew Forms & HTML Designer module;
- FixedFixed issue with the list blog layout on mobiles;
- FixedFixed styles not applying in NinjaForms widget for Elementor;
- FixedFixed default WPForms styles taking overridding styles set from widget;
- FixedFixed hover animation not working in Dual Button widget;
- FixedFixed legacy header button issue in Woo pages;
- ChangedUpdated Twitter icon in legacy Social Profile widget;
- AddedAdded import step for some demos in the starter sites to allow customization;
October 17, 2023
Version 4.0.8
- AddedNew option to disable emojis loaded by WP;
- AddedNew option to disable jQuery Migrate if not required;
- AddedNew option to defer block styles if the block editor isn't used on the current page;
- ChangedDisable legacy Fontello file when not needed.
- ChangedHooks feature now loaded as a module.
- AddedNew Performance class to hold current and future performance enhancements;
- ChangedReworked Customizer dividers to decrease number of controls and increase performance.
October 2, 2023
Version 4.0.7
- AddedNew Sidebar Module;
- FixedFixed Mega Menu issue with list elements;
- FixedFixed issue with mobile menu not displaying dropdown icons;
- FixedFixed font collection not loading in the Customizer preview on some hosts;
- FixedFixed issue with aria label being applied on wrong element;
- FixedFixed issue with unclosed section in the Advanced Tabs widget;
- ChangedChanged theme update notice to use proper classes;
- ChangedChanged Twitter icon to X;
- ChangedAdd missing image alts and link names in Quick Links module;
- ChangedOverride Elementor color globals in Customizer live preview.
September 6, 2023
Version 4.0.6
- AddedBuilt Learndash courses widget for Elementor;
- AddedNew LMS demo for Learndash;
- ChangedUpdated sortable Customizer control to allow child controls;
- ChangedControls related to sortable items now show on click;
- FixedFixed JS issue with the Site navigation widget for Elementor;
- FixedRegister widget category for the theme in Elementor, even if Sydney Toolbox is not active;
- ChangedRemove link from tab titles in Advanced Tabs widget;
- ChangedMake Fullwidth page template compatible with full width Gutenberg option;
- ChangedUpdate sanitize callback for some colors controls.
August 21, 2023
Version 4.0.5
- AddedNew Global Colors system;
- AddedNew option next to each Customizer color option that allows connecting to a global color;
- AddedNew CSS variables are available: --sydney-global-color-1, --sydney-global-color-2, etc. Nine in total;
- AddedElementor integration for the Global Colors;
- AddedAdded option to display logo and site title/description at the same time;
- ChangedChanged the color picker script in the Customizer;
- ChangedChanged a few default colors that were outside of the palette.
- ChangedAdd notification when there are no templates found in the Template Builder existing parts list;
- ChangedRemove unused author related CSS;
- ChangedUpdated changelog endpoints;
- ChangedUpdated changelog endpoints;
- FixedFixed content link colors affecting Elementor butons;
- FixedFixed preloader issue with Elementor Pro templates;
August 1, 2023
Version 4.0.4
- ChangedChanged Template Builder system;
- ChangedChanged wrong shade of accent color;
- ChangedAdobe Fonts now loaded from CDN;
- AddedQuick Links strings now compatible with Polylang and WPML;
- FixedFixed related posts grid issue;
- FixedFixed mega menu issue when Elementor is deactivated after building template;
July 3, 2023
Version 4.0.3
- FixedFixed issue with updates system;
- AddedNew Browser Tools module: scrollbar customization, meta theme color, copy text prevention;
- AddedNew option for regular text font size in the footer;
- ChangedTemplates Builder module conditions now allow selection of any individual term;
- ChangedDefault value for the counter size in the Woo icons widget;
- AddedNew Mailchimp widget options: border radius and full-width fields and button;
- FixedFixed autofocus issue for the Mailchimp widget for Elementor;
- FixedFixed issue with main header elements in live preview;
- FixedFixed issue with blog options when Extended Blog module options are missing;
- FixedFixed WPForms issue in the starter sites plugin.
- ChangedProper module activation in starter sites plugin.
June 20, 2023
Version 4.0.2
- AddedAdvanced Tabs widget for Elementor;
- AddedRestaurant starter site;
- AddedSubmenu items color hover option;
- ChangedMega menu filter added to Site Nav widget;
- FixedMissing clearing for SO blog widget;
- FixedCopyright bar container not changing in live preview;
- FixedSingle post meta not changing in live preview;
- FixedPost title inherits body line-height in the editor;
- FixedIncompatibility with QSM plugin;
- FixedSite background color not visible in the editor;
- ChangedAdded output for Custom Fonts/Typekit in the editor;
- FixedTemplates Builder error with the Woo Ratings widget;
- FixedFix nav walker error when no menu is set.
June 6, 2023
Version 4.0.1
- ChangedBetter handling of the changelog requests.
June 1, 2023
Version 4.0.0
- ChangedNew Dashboard design;
- AddedShop catalog with the Templates Builder;
- AddedSingle Products with the Templates Builder;
- AddedCustom Cart page: build a custom cart page using Sydney Pro's cart widget for Elementor;
- AddedCustom Checkout page: build a custom checkout page using Sydney Pro's checkout widget for Elementor;
- AddedMega Menu module;
- AddedOffcanvas Content module;
- AddedCustom Fonts module;
- AddedMobile-only menu;
- AddedHeader background image;
- AddedSocial media support in the header;
- AddedGlassmorphism effect, part of the Elementor Tools module;
- AddedSaaS Starter Site;
- AddedCharity Starter Site;
- ChangedElementor Tools features now have support for Elementor containers;
- ChangedUpdated Google Fonts list, all fonts are now available;
- ChangedModal module can now display content built with the Templates Builder module;
- ChangedAdded Map icon to social profiles, can be used with any map service;
- ChangedImport process upgraded. You can now import with placeholders and you can remove imported data.
April 12, 2023
Version 3.1.14
- AddedNew magazine starter site (requires Elementor containers to be activated).
- AddedAdded new posts Elementor widget.
- AddedAdded news ticker widget for Elementor.
- AddedVarious new blog related options.
March 20, 2023
Version 3.1.13
- AddedAdded hundreds of automated tests to check for PHP errors, styling issues, and theme options.
- AddedThe Mobile Menu can now work in sticky mode. Activation from Customize > Header > Mobile Header.
- ChangedMobile menu behavior changed to allow automatic closing when clicking on same-page links.
- ChangedChange Front Page template to Sydney Canvas.
- AddedPost tags are now available in the blog archive meta elements.
- ChangedPost tags are now available in the blog archive meta elements.
- AddedBack to top offset distance can now be controlled through a CSS variable.
- FixedFixed preview issue with top bar and header sortable elements option.
- ChangedAdded labels to some of the layout options in the Customizer.